People-oriented software solutions
Are you ready to transform your business? Spods is here for that. We are a startup from Piacenza born from the enthusiasm of 3 young entrepreneurs passionate about Software, Artificial Intelligence and Design, who were able to combine their skills and create a team of experts sharing their passion for digital innovation.

La nostra missiona
La nostra missione è rivoluzionare il settore HR attraverso soluzioni software innovative, dedicate alla ricerca e selezione dei talenti più brillanti e al potenziamento delle risorse umane. Ci impegniamo a semplificare e ottimizzare i flussi di lavoro dei nostri clienti, garantendo un notevole empowerment a ciascun utente dei nostri sistemi. Il nostro focus è massimizzare il ritorno sull'investimento e migliorare i KPI di business, attraverso strumenti che non solo rispondono alle esigenze attuali ma anticipano le sfide future. SPODS è il partner ideale nel percorso verso l'eccellenza digitale.

Success Is Not A Solo Act.
Our slogan, 'Success Is Not A Solo Act', always reminds us that to do great things you have to join forces and minds, and that together you can achieve great things. In every team, communication and the exchange of ideas is very important to us, even with co-workers who are miles away. For the same reason, we have also established strategies that lead to the customer being involved at the forefront of project development, from planning to validation.

Customers first
Our customer obsession is our strength. We believe that the customer decides what the standard for his company is. We are quality-driven and committed to providing the best possible product, adapting to the needs of each reality. For these reasons, we have adopted the Agile methodology on all fronts.